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How much time should I leave in a section to review LR Questions?

DByrne07DByrne07 Core Member

Quick question - how much time should I leave to review LR questions within a section - I've recently gotten quick enough to leave 4-6 minutes to go back over a section; part of that is through picking an answer choice, without 100% certainty, and moving onto the next question.... I have a hard time, mental barrier really, plain old skipping LR questions - I have been able to do that within LG sections and sometimes RC - but not LR. Just curious if anyone else has a similar approach and generally how much time to leave left over for review before time is up? Also, I had a strategy to leave around 10 minutes for the last 5 questions of a section - I've recently succeeded in getting quicker - a positive, that is over only 5 LR sections that I've done recently - so hopefully it carries over to the July LSAT. Sorry for the ramble!


  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    I think 5 minutes is good, depending on how many questions you are not certain of. That is about what I had. I also think it is important to skip around as much as you want. Seriously. I skipped about 7 questions a section and still had 12 minutes to answer them all. But if you aren't skipping much, I think 5 minutes is more than enough. Getting a second look at a question you didn't have 100% certainty would force you to be more critical and less stressed because you have already completed a bulk of the test.

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