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Seeking Advice

cporter1993cporter1993 Alum Member
in General 11 karma

I am new to the 7Sage Community and all the discussion threads are very helpful. I stumbled upon the 7sage by looking for Logic Games explanations and was really impressed. Then after checking the forum and seeing the discussions, I had to join.

My goal was to take the September test and then retake in November and submit my application shortly after (not the best timeline but reasonable). However, due to my work schedule, adjunct course load, and other publishing obligations this past spring I was not able to focus on studying until like May 15th. I finished the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim and my PTs are at 152 and BR 160. I'm starting Logic games fool-proofing for PT 29 -38 and most likely going to do PT 42 -52 as well.

So my question is, what do you guys think if I skip the September Test and take November and February? I would submit my applications after November Test scores and then update it once Feb scores show. I know earlier applications are better but If everything else in my application is concrete would a late cycle application really adversely affect me an Admission decision for Fall 2019?




  • SoundthelazSoundthelaz Member
    7 karma

    That's almost exactly where I've been falling on this dude, so you're not alone. I'm new too, but from what I've read, giving yourself some more time to bump your score up will only serve to help you.

    I really like a comment that read "If you invest four to six to eight months getting a score that will get you into a better school, the potential payout of 100k per year 3 months out will be worth the time spent."

    Still very curious about what other people think!

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    I would have told you a year ago that would be a great plan (b/c it was my plan too, lol). However, look at what happened this cycle. There seems to have been many high scorers who applied after Nov/Dec and did not get in to their choice school or were waitlisted. The reason (from what I have read here and elsewhere) is that applications were up so much that schools pretty much filled up the classes early in the admissions cycle, leaving "late" filers (Nov/Dec and after) out in the cold.

    I'm not saying this happened with everyone and I'm not saying this will happen to you and I don't want to discourage you. But go into it with eyes open. If you go through some old threads you will see time and again how people who fit into their school's percentiles (many high scorers) were scratching their heads as to why they didn't get in and why others in their same situation got in. I don't have any empirical data to back me up, its just what I have read and surmissed.

    Then again there are people like @jyarmo who applied with her June score and got in for this fall! In the end, the LSAT score is huge - so keep working at it and who knows at what stage you will be in Sept or Nov. Good luck.

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    @cporter1993 said:
    So my question is, what do you guys think if I skip the September Test and take November and February? I would submit my applications after November Test scores and then update it once Feb scores show. I know earlier applications are better but If everything else in my application is concrete would a late cycle application really adversely affect me an Admission decision for Fall 2019?

    Don't take a test in 2019 if you plan to attend in 2019. Many schools will not take your score (STANFORD). Additionally, there is such a heavy emphasis on applying early it is ridiculous. November is fine, as long you submit your applications right when scores come out.

    I think it is more important that you take the test when you are ready. If you have a certain school in mind that you would like to attend, but you feel like you will underperform their numbers, think about whether or not you can get there if you took a few more months to study. I know that it gets tricky where you are cutting it close with the "deadline" (aka what might as well be the deadline). But never put a deadline on your success and your dreams. It took me a long time but I do not regret for one second the time that I took.

    It sounds like you have a great job. That is going to make you a more compelling applicant. If you have to spend more time there than you would like, so what? A late cycle would be quite dangerous and it is much better that you take when you are ready and apply right when Nov. scores release.

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