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8 weeks left

andatotoreanuandatotoreanu Member
in General 4 karma

Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has any advice for what I should study 8 weeks out? I have already completed the entire LSAT unlocked handbook by Kaplan, and really just need extra practice on Logic Games, Assumptions and Argument - based questions. I work full time, so I only have 6 to 10 hours a week I can put into studying. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited July 2018 9382 karma

    Hi @andatotoreanu,

    If you don't mind, can you maybe share with us your PrepTest average, your section breakdown (e.g. LR: -4, -6; LG: -5, RC: -7), your Blind Review score average, and your goal score?

    I think it would give 7Sagers a better sense of where you are. :smile:

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    Take a test, use the analytics, and figure out more exactly what your weaknesses are. Assumptions and arguments are the entire test, so try to be more detailed in what exactly you are getting wrong. Have you completed the curriculum? That could provide some insight as well into where you can learn new concepts.

    Try to create a schedule that will allow you to do your job and study. I would wake up at 4:45am, study until 7am, head to work, and then study for an hour when I got home, in addition to studying for at least 5 hours on Saturday and Sunday. That gave me a minimum of 20 hours of studying a week, but it was often more like 25. If I can do it, you can too!

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