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Study Group September 2018

AlexRexegerAlexRexeger Alum Member
in Study Groups 178 karma

Hi, so I've been plateauing in the high 160s for a while and I'm studying for the September LSAT. I've been jumping around for PTs and so far I"ve done like 30 but haven't touchedI77-80s and there are a bunch in the high 46-50s I haven't done. Is someone down to BR some of those PTs? I work full time, but I'm going to start taking three day weekends. So I'm going to take the test Friday morning and try to BR 1/2 sections Friday afternoon, the rest on Saturday and maybe do some drills on Sunday, but I could BR too. Does that schedule line up with anyone else's and would anyone maybe want to skype to BR? I'm in Queens NY so let me know!


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