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Is someone spearheading the Nov/2019 Study Group?

CurlyQQQCurlyQQQ Alum Member
edited July 2018 in Study Groups 295 karma

About 83 comments later, I haven't seen any concrete study calendar or plan. Is anyone spearheading this study group? How does that work? I think that for the November group we should get started as soon as possible. Who's the person in charge? How do people normally get this started?


  • jkjohnson1991jkjohnson1991 Alum Member
    edited July 2018 766 karma

    There are only about a handful of us in the GroupMe. The group was created after most agreed that they believe its much easier for everyone to communicate that way. Message @"Brian Bailey" your name and phone number and he will send you your invite to join the GroupMe. He has taken the time to get the ball rolling thus far. I assume that once that group has a few more people in it then we were going to get things started because yes, we need to get started within the next week.

  • CurlyQQQCurlyQQQ Alum Member
    295 karma

    @jkjohnson1991 Thank you! There were so many people in that thread, I just don't think people know how to get added to the group. Are we going to use that platform 7Sage uses for their webinars?

  • jkjohnson1991jkjohnson1991 Alum Member
    766 karma

    No problem. Yes it is a lot of cluster in that thread for sure.

    Not quite sure how we are going to attack this.I don’t think we have really made any true decision regarding that yet.

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