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Question regarding courses

LegalBrazegal10LegalBrazegal10 Alum Member
in General 7 karma

Good morning all,

I plan on taking the LSAT on November 2018, and I want to start studying in August. I have taken the LSAT before, so the material will not be new for me. I want to purchase the LSAT Premium, but the study schedule suggests 40 hours per week. With a full time job, it will be hard for me to do that.

My question is, how do I plan around that? Do I study as much as I can and skip over some things? Or do you guys think I should be fine purchasing the LSAT starter course?

Thank you all in advance,


  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited July 2018 1866 karma

    Hey there!

    I think it would all depend on your LSAT score breakdown, your goal score, and how much you need to prepare to close the gap. If you're comfortable sharing that information, it would probably help us give you a better recommendation.

    But otherwise, I would not recommend skipping parts of the core curriculum (depending on your goals, it might even be great to go in with the mindset that you know nothing to really absorb the fundamentals), though you could probably get away spending less time drilling things you feel comfortable with already. Three months might also not be enough to get through the curriculum and PT, but if you're tight on time you can most definitely take fewer full-length PTs than is recommended by the study schedule.

    If you feel like you just need to polish your skills to get a few more points, then I'm sure the Starter package is perfectly fine. You can always do the trial for a few days before deciding, and upgrading is also an option if you purchase a package and feel like you need more.

    Hope this helps! :smile:

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