Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Can you realistically make 6 figures by going into lower schools? - 7Sage Forum

Can you realistically make 6 figures by going into lower schools?

LSATStudent780LSATStudent780 Alum Member
in General 102 karma

Should I be aiming to go to the highest law school in hopes of making more money in my career? Will my chances be better for big law because the law school ranking is higher? Are there even lawyers making 6 figures anymore if they just go to lower ranked schools such as IU Bloomington or Hastings? If so, how? Can you realistically make 6 figures by going into lower schools?


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    edited August 2018 2531 karma

    It depends on the market that you’re looking at. For example, plenty of top 25% students at University if Georgia make 6 figures starting out. But to some this would still be considered a law school that is toward the top. Generally the top 40 schools in the right market offer the chance to make six figures. But the percentage of six figure graduates increases as you close in on the T15.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    What @Ohnoeshalpme said. It depends on what you mean by "lower" school- if you mean non T14 but still a very strong regional school, then yes it is possible. Your chance of Biglaw greatly improves when you go to higher ranked schools though. I think that if you do end up at a lower but still strong school, it will take longer to reach six figures but it can be done. You also want to keep cost of living in mind. Making six figures in NYC Biglaw is going to be a lot different than making six figures in Indianapolis if you go to IU Bloomington. If you know where you want to live, that can help your decision making process a lot.

  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    973 karma

    @Ohnoeshalpme said:
    It depends on the market that you’re looking at. For example, plenty of top 25% students at University if Georgia make 6 figures starting out. But to some this would still be considered a law school that is toward the top. Generally the top 40 schools in the right market offer the chance to make six figures. But the percentage of six figure graduates increases as you close in on the T15.

    Yes, that's true. In my home state, even the "BigLaw" (for our state) firms prefer grads from the state law school (and may be prejudiced against HYS-type grads in fact)!

  • 439 karma

    I think a JD from a regional school and some business sense could get you to 6 figures. It's just about finding a niche and filling it. But if starting your own firm seems scary, the top ranked school to big law route is definitely positively correlated with big money.

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    edited August 2018 770 karma

    According to the TLS forum, unless T14 schools and perform better than median there, then no.

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    @tekken1225 said:
    According to the TLS forum, unless T14 schools and perform better than median there, then no.

    ^This is false. For example, about half of graduates at Vandy get BigLaw and they aren’t T14. Also, UCLA, BU, Wustl, Notre Dame and several others all have more than a third of their graduates in large firms (100+ attorneys).

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    770 karma

    @Ohnoeshalpme said:

    @tekken1225 said:
    According to the TLS forum, unless T14 schools and perform better than median there, then no.

    ^This is false. For example, about half of graduates at Vandy get BigLaw and they aren’t T14. Also, UCLA, BU, Wustl, Notre Dame and several others all have more than a third of their graduates in large firms (100+ attorneys).

    Haha, I know. I was being tongue-in-cheek about TLS forum, how negative that forum is. Should have been clearer.

  • Ari_Gold180Ari_Gold180 Member
    43 karma

    I have a question that goes off of what OP asked..
    If someone were to go to a lower-ranked school that has one of the top programs for a certain practice of law (I.e - American University for International Law or Santa Clara University for Intellectual Property), would being in a top program help an applicant get to that 6figure mark or even help with getting into Big Law?

  • alyssamcc0593alyssamcc0593 Alum Member
    290 karma

    I know at University of Houston and SMU if you are in the top 15 percent majority of people go into Big Law and make 6 figures. You are stuck to Houston or Dallas though, which is fine if you are from Texas, so it is possible.

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