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Study suggestions

lawhopeful_13lawhopeful_13 Alum Member
in General 41 karma

I recently purchased Starter from 7sage.
I self-studied and wrote LSAT and got 156 before.
I am aiming for 167+ on LSAT.
Any tips on developing study schedule using 7sage?
I feel quite new and confused. I've been following the Syllabus one by one and finished up to MSS questions.


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10800 karma

    I would say finish the core curriculum first. After that you want to take PT 36 and see where you are at. If you are trying to aim for 167, you would probably need to foolproof LG after the core curriculum. I would also suggest to not take a PT every week but only take it when you have drilled all your weaknesses out from the last PT you took.

    As you go through the core curriculum make sure to ask or answer any questions at the bottom of the videos. Engaging in the material by asking and answering questions really helps in solidifying information that you will have learned.

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