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BR during CC

hi all, so i have recently switched over from studying with the full powerscore trilogy books to ONLY studying with the 7sage pack. i started studying with powerscore the middle of may 2018 and when decided to make the switch was already taking 1-2 PT every week (without blind review bc they do not use that method). i am now wondering if it would be beneficial for me to possibly still try and take at least one PT per week along with my 7sage core curriculum (this time around using blind review) - since this is technically not completely new information for me.

i am currently following along with my personalized study guide for the november 2018 test & see that it saves all of the PT for the end of CC, but due to my circumstances would like to get some advice on what could work best for me.

any advice is graciously welcomed :)


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I'd hold off on PTs until you are done with the curriculum. You really want to solidify those fundamentals before you start putting in the timed practice, and although it isn't completely new to you, you're switching to some new methods and you need to give your brain the chance to really switch over. You should be able to finish the CC by the end of September pretty easily, which will still give you a month for PTs before the November test.

  • lorenposslorenposs Alum Member
    41 karma

    @misschanandler thank you so much for your honest opinion! yeah im thinking i might wait a little further into CC, if not all the way completed, before i start looking at PTs again! today was my first day with my course & already enjoy the learning methods & instructional videos so much! can already feel things digesting & coming a bit easier. good to know that i could possible be done with CC as early as end of september - with my strict 2-3 day a week regimen i hope it doesn’t take me much longer that that!

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    No problem!

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