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How much did you improve on RC?

lsatgodjklsatgodjk Alum Member

RC isn't my favorite section. I get anywhere from 10-16 right, 13-14 would be an accurate average for me on RC.

It's important to mention that I've never practiced it (going to do it when I get there in the CC). Is it possible to go from averaging 13-14 to about 20 right on RC after finishing the CC? I'm wondering because I've heard so many people say RC is tough to improve on because it's something that a person was taught there whole lives and can't be improved in a matter of months.

How much did you improve on RC after finishing the CC?

I only finish about 3 passages by the way, I usually run out of time while reading the 4th.



  • gkoebel1gkoebel1 Member
    122 karma

    I was very similar to yourself in the beginning, averaging anywhere from 12-18 correct. Somewhere between 14-16 was probably normal for myself. Several months later I'm sitting anywhere from 17-22 correct, probably averaging 18-19 correct per section.I definitely didn't come from an "elite" academic background but the progress is totally attainable with diligent work and the right mindset going into RC ! Good Luck.

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