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Ultimate plus 18 months

Darrin.lovard.allenDarrin.lovard.allen Live Member
in General 120 karma

Will it take 18 months to go through the ultimate plus curriculm


  • ElleWoods77ElleWoods77 Alum Member
    1184 karma

    Unless you take your time no :). I think the average for most is 2-3 months .

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    edited November 2019 8392 karma

    The core curriculum is generally around 2-3 months to get through, depending on your individual pace. The additional problem sets and logic games packet would be in addition to that, and then you would focus on drilling and prep tests. The 18 months of access is awesome though, because it will be available to support you the whole way while you are working on drills and PTs.

    [Admin note: Ultimate+ includes 12 months now]

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