I post quite a bit, but I really do appreciate the advice.
I am deciding if I should write a prep test this evening.
I work full time, so right now I'm taking an old, timed, RC section every morning before work. On lunch I do one old, time, LG section and I review the 2 questions given as an intro. Yesterday I did both grouping questions.
My LG is usually 0 - -3 wrong, and I usually only get any wrong because I'm rushing... but I usually have like 10 minutes left at the end, so I know I can improve by taking my time.
My RC is anywhere from -3 - -10, but I find I consistently sit at a 7 or an 8. I know I can improve, which is why I drill them daily.
I know LR is the section that needs the most work.
Monday and Tuesday I went through old question types and drilled them by section (approx. 20) per SA, NA, PSA, Flaw, MC, MSS, MBT, MBF, ect.
I was planning on writing a prep test today after work, take a break, review 1-2 sections of it (most likely RC and LG since they take less time for me to review), review the rest Thursday, do some more review, and Friday (I have the day off), spend the day drilling concepts again.
I find that Flaw questions, and identifying the flaw, are the fundamentals of these arguments, so I bought the Cambridge package of 200+ flaw questions and planned on drilling them on Friday.
My question is.
Should I wait. Should I do some more drilling of the flaw questions tonight, Thursday do some more review, and then spend Friday writing it?
I know now that writing prep test after prep test isn't THE best study method, but I have quite a few left before the LSAT, and I view taking them as a good way to increase speed.
I don't know.

I guess I just came down with a cold yesterday, so I don't know if waiting is best. But weekends are usually the old/best time for me to write practice exams, and I was already advised not to write one F/S/ and S.
I also should mention that I am usually -7 per section of the LR.
My lowest so far was -10 overall (-3 on one -7 on the other).
Maybe doing them with half a brain and some killer cold symptoms will enhance my ability come test day...?
One can only hope.