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Choosing between two schools

oceanlee14oceanlee14 Alum Member
in General 28 karma

Hi, I just got two acceptance from u of Miami and Georgia state law. I never even been two cities. Just for school wise, where shall I go? Thinking to focus in M and A


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Congratulations! I think if at all possible you should definitely visit both schools. Have you received any financial aid information yet? That will also be a big factor.

  • jkjohnson1991jkjohnson1991 Alum Member
    766 karma

    I think you definitely should visit both schools. You need to feel out the atmosphere and campus environment. Set up a visit and try to talk to as many students and staff to help determine if it is a place that you would feel comfortable for the next 3 years. Also as the poster above stated, cost of attendance should play a role in choosing so take that into consideration as well if you have received any type of scholarship $ from either school. Another factor is where would you like to practice after graduation? All these things play a part but once again congrats!

  • I’ve been to both cities and have seen GA State’s campus. I can say that the cities are similar in terms of weather and liveliness. The biggest question in terms of location is whether you prefer the beach and beach-vibes or a more hipster and/or southern vibe (it’s really hard to describe a southern city... great food and festivals sticks out the most to me). In terms of GA State, it’s very much a city campus and not a traditional campus given that it’s right in the middle of Atlanta (not separate in its own part of GA). Obviously, scholarship money and the strength of their programs in the area you wish to study should come into play. Also, where you see yourself ultimately wanting to practice law should have some sort of bearing (just in terms of ability to secure a job in that area and the alumni base in that area). Good luck!

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