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Need Advice

The JokerThe Joker Alum Member
in General 12 karma

Hello, I am applying to law schools this fall in Canada. I applied last cycle but stupidly rushed the LSAT with the wrong prep materials and not devoting much time while in school. I wrote in December 2017 and February 2018 and scored in the low 140's both times. I realize I screwed up big time in retrospect and I should've cancelled at least one of my scores. I found 7sage and it has been life-changing. I am nearly done the core curriculum (just some problem sets left) but yesterday I did my first test since February. I scored a 150 on the June 2007 test. Even though this is not very good, it was still an improvement which has given me some confidence that I can do it. I wanted to seek some advice as I am signed up for the November test date. I am working part time with just under 20 hours a week and not in school at present. The rest of the time I have been devoting to studying.

I am currently reviewing the test video explanations after blind reviewing the test. I got -11 on RC, -9 on 1 LR and -11 on the other LR. My logic games was the weakest section (-12) which makes sense as I have not spent using J.Y.'s fool proof method as of yet. I know once I learn from my mistakes and get familiar with LG, I can have a major hike in my score. I also feel I can improve in RC and LR because I sometimes make stupid mistakes and feel like I learnt a lot while blind reviewing. Speed is also an issue for me at present which I think I can improve on by employing 7sage techniques and practicing. I have not attempted the 9 preptests I have access to in the basic 7sage plan yet. Do you suggest I use those for drilling and then practice with the remaining tests I have (PrepTests 52-81 & 83/84). Finally, if somebody could just advise me on the best way to prepare for this test in my remaining time. I am aiming for 160+ on the test. I am not sure if schools will even consider me if I delay all the way until January especially with my atrocious previous scores. I apologize for the long post, any comments will be helpful!


  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    There is no point in applying if you don't have the lsat score suitable for the schools you want to apply to. If you have to delay to get that score, then you have to delay. There's no real alternative, unfortunately.
    Drilling is important. You can't improve if you haven't changed anything, and you can't change anything if you haven't drilled, and you can't drill properly before you pinpoint your weaknesses. Otherwise, you are embodying Einstein's definition of insanity.
    I personally think that before you get to 170+, redoing the core curriculum while supplementing it with harder questions from the question bank can really help raise the score. I would emphasize any topics that you know you're weak at, or know that you can improve a lot at, like LG.

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