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PS Question and General Admissions

s_hhhhhhs_hhhhhh Alum Member

Hello fellow 7sagers!

I have a PS question that falls into a general admissions question. Apologies in advance for the length.

The majority of schools I am applying to have a general "tell us about an experience that shaped you" PS prompt. With the help of the $10 admissions add on, I crafted a story about my time as a collegiate athlete and how that experience shaped me into the person I am. I do not talk about law at all, nor does that experience contribute to my desire to study law. However, a couple of schools I am applying to have a specific "tell us about an experience that has contributed to your decision to study law" prompt. I am all but certain I want to study environmental law. I have a few years of experience working in the environmental field and have experiences that I can write about which lead me to my decision to pursue law school.

That being said, I am leery of focusing too much on the specific type of law I would like to study, which is environmental. Although I am almost certain that is what I want to do, I understand that you must take all types of classes in law school and who knows, I could take a class and love it and decide to go a different route (but probably not).

My resume including my undergraduate degree is environmental heavy. So, my question is, do you think that it could be detrimental to my application to focus on a specific type of law in my personal statement? Or do admissions committees view that as a positive factor, seeing I do have a few years work experience in that particular field?

Any advice is much appreciated! Thank you in advance.


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