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I think I messed up; I submitted my NYU app w/o LSAT Score

So, I was reviewing my application form. I was pressing buttons to see how to use one of my LSAC CAS Report waivers and I used ended up submitting the app which I didn't think was possible since I did not have a LSAT score. So, does this negatively effect me? Do I need to resubmit the app in December when I get my November score back?


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    If there's any mistake on the app outside of a pending LSAT score, then you should try to reach out to them to get it addressed. Otherwise, you should be fine. Some people submit their apps while they wait for their score

  • Brazil020511Brazil020511 Alum Member
    429 karma

    @Kermit750 said:
    If there's any mistake on the app outside of a pending LSAT score, then you should try to reach out to them to get it addressed. Otherwise, you should be fine. Some people submit their apps while they wait for their score

    So, they will send my LSAT scores to the school still?

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @Brazil020511 said:

    So, they will send my LSAT scores to the school still?

    Your future LSAT score will be automatically sent to schools that you've applied to. There are plenty of people applying without scores so don't worry!

  • Brazil020511Brazil020511 Alum Member
    429 karma

    Ok Great. Thank you all.

  • PositivePositive Alum Member
    426 karma

    It will not give you disadvantage. Your application is "sent," but not "complete." Your application is complete when your LSAT score is in. If anything, it's actually better to send yoru app early w/o LSAT, because your app is more likely to be reviewed faster than the people who send their app after they receive their score.

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