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Non-Traditional Resume Question

macklynkingmacklynking Free Trial Member

I am just about ready to apply but when going to upload my resume a few law schools (only on LSAC, not on their websites) said to include some version of this information on the resume:

-List your extracurricular activities since entering undergraduate school, the hours per week devoted to such activities, and the dates of the activities.
-List your positions of employment since high school (either full- or part-time), the number of hours per week devoted to each position, and the dates of employment.

I'm a non-traditional student who graduated in 2010 and has been working as a full-time high school teacher. I do not remember all of my hours and odd jobs and extracurriculars. Also, adding these details would push my resume past 2 pages. Has anyone had a similar experience who applied? What did you do? Any advice?


  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    There’s a previous thread called “Resumes for old people” that is recent and touches on this. I’d post a link, but my phone is not letting me.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Well, I didn't include all of that on my resume. But, if a school's instructions specifically say to include all of your jobs or all of your activities with hours, then the most important thing is to follow instructions. It's their own fault if they end up having to read a 4 page resume lol. As for not remembering all the odd jobs, do your best and search for any and all records you have available. Pay stubs, old versions of your resume, etc. Digging up an old resume helped me a lot to figure out all of mine. As long as you put everything that you can remember to the best of your ability, it'll be fine. But if a school's instructions say something specifically, you'll need to follow it.

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