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Study abroad grades

Hi everyone! I know this question has been asked before but I was wondering if anyone could provide some more insight on this...

While I was in undergrad I studied abroad at a small UK school. My home institution counted the courses I took there as direct equates. So for example, on my transcript it says, "University of Winchester- The War on Terror- (TB)". These transfer grades were not caluclated into my GPA either. I'm only concerned because of the fact I got 4 B's while I was there so when I factor that into my LSAC GPA it drops significantly. I was there for only one semester.

Thanks for any help!


  • CassmargCassmarg Alum Member
    14 karma

    From what I've heard is the LSAC factors in any grade you've ever gotten in college, this would include study abroad.

  • Patz4lifePatz4life Alum Member
    214 karma

    If it's on your home university transcript, and there is a grade (i.e Not credit/no credit) I believe they will count it

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