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Final Sprint

sc1293sc1293 Alum Member

Hey all, as tomorrow marks the first of November, I was wondering how the other November test-takers are spending the last 2.5 weeks before the big day. I'm trying to avoid burnout, and am taking a PT every two days. At this point, I'm almost struggling to find motivation in the face of the fact that the next 2.5 weeks cannot make or break my score. How are you guys staying motivated?


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8700 karma

    2.5 week can't "make or break" your score but it is certainly enough time to tighten some things up around the edges. with a focused an sustained effort on one's weaknesses, a move from a consistent -5 per section on LR to a consistent -3 per section on LR in the remaining 17 days is not impossible. I think a similar move on LG is possible: don't discount the possibility of taking a close look at the rule substitution questions, 17 days is enough time to get a strategy together. You're correct in my estimation to try to avoid burnout, that is important.
    Some other sort of gray areas to try to maximize points in 2 weeks:
    -Evaluate questions (LR)
    -Agree Questions (LR)

    Best of luck!

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