Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Harvard SFFA Lawsuit - 7Sage Forum

Harvard SFFA Lawsuit

TrustingGodTrustingGod Free Trial Member
edited November 2018 in General 240 karma

Anyone have any thoughts on how this law suit will affect law school admissions? If the plaintiff's win, will it only affect undergraduate institutions? How immediately will that change URM admissions? Will it change it at all? Race is an evident part of many people's identity, and can be written all over their application. Will diversity be something schools won't promote? Because diversity doesn't always involve race. I'm very curious about this case. I'd love to hear what you guys are thinking.


  • Patz4lifePatz4life Alum Member
    214 karma

    It'll be at least a year until it hits the supreme court (which I presume it will). I think with the more conservative bench they'll get rid of affirmative action at least at the undergraduate level. Most likely that will translate to graduate schools as well. As a URM myself this is something I've been following the past few months.

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