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Difference in academic rigor

OvercomerOvercomer Free Trial Member
edited December 2018 in General 96 karma

I was wondering how different tier 1, 2, and 3 law schools are academically. Will a t-14 school typically be more difficult than a tier 2 school. If so, how large is the difference? Or is the difficulty level similar, and the prestige is what sets these schools apart? Do people sometimes choose schools based on their teaching styles and how demanding the work load will be? Would it be smart to attend a tier 2 school where you think you can excel, or a top law school where you know you will be overwhelmed.


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    T14 schools are much easier to pass. Look at the attrition rates on the 509 data.

  • OvercomerOvercomer Free Trial Member
    96 karma

    @10000019 I'm not sure what you're referring to? The bar passage rate? Or it's easier to pass exams in the T-14? Can you please elaborate?

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @Overcomer said:
    @10000019 I'm not sure what you're referring to? The bar passage rate? Or it's easier to pass exams in the T-14? Can you please elaborate?

    Look up the median GPA at different schools. Then look at the non-transfer attrition rate on the 509 report (that refers to students that had to leave the school).

    At top schools professors rarely fail students and don't have to give many low grades. Not true at lower ranked schools.

  • OvercomerOvercomer Free Trial Member
    96 karma

    @10000019 thank you very much, this was very helpful. However, do you believe this difference is due to the caliber of the students? Students at top schools usually outperform those of tier 2 and 3 schools with their LSATs and GPAs. Do you think these students are just more prepared or stronger academically?

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @Overcomer said:
    @10000019 thank you very much, this was very helpful. However, do you believe this difference is due to the caliber of the students? Students at top schools usually outperform those of tier 2 and 3 schools with their LSATs and GPAs. Do you think these students are just more prepared or stronger academically?

    I think it's mainly because of the curve at the schools. I don't think someone earning all P's at Yale would outperform someone earning all A's at a T2.

  • OvercomerOvercomer Free Trial Member
    96 karma

    @10000019 thank you!

  • OvercomerOvercomer Free Trial Member
    96 karma

    Can anyone else weigh in on this topic. I've been having a lot of conversations about schools I ultimately want to end up at. If I get into a top school, my family still fears it may be too much for me. Any insight is appreciated.

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    737 karma

    I think you're going to have to take a leap of faith either way. You have no way of knowing how you'd do at either tier.

  • OvercomerOvercomer Free Trial Member
    96 karma

    @ExcludedMiddle thank you

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