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Jmholmes93685Jmholmes93685 Member
in General 7 karma

Took the LSAT today for a third time, I scored decently well the first time (around 80th percentile) and the exact same the 2nd time. I thought I'd take it a third time because I really thought I could do better, but completely messed up on the logic game today. (I'd say I guessed at least on 8 questions and just ran out of time) I felt strong about the rc, and one LR; however, the second LR was quite tough. I've sent in applications but have only heard back from one school. For most of the "top" schools I've applied to, my lsat score was around their 25th-50th percentile. I've asked these scores to proceed with their review of my application as is just to meet priority deadlines, but haven't heard anything back.

To complicate matters, the school that I've been accepted to offered me a free ride, however they are not necessarily my top choice and for lack of a better word, are one of my "safety schools". They've given me a deadline to take their scholarship offer and that deadline is before this jan LSAT score would even post.

What should I do? First, is it smart to cancel my score? Or should I see what I did? How much would it matter to schools I've applied to if I did worse? Secondly, how should I navigate the scholarship offer? Am I crazy to not accept it? If I ask for an extension, are they likely to grant it?



  • ChardiggityChardiggity Alum Member
    336 karma

    Since they don't average scores anymore, I'm not sure there's an advantage to cancelling, unless you had a massive mis-bubble, started puking and had to flee the room, etc. Applying to a school with a worse score won't really matter - your highest is all that matters. I'd be surprised if they grant an extension, since you're literally doing it to try to go elsewhere. You're not crazy for rejecting it, but you may realistically be facing the prospect of needing to retake & reapply next cycle to have a shot of getting into the schools you really want. Good luck!

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