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Should I upgrade to Ultimate+?

ChiChi55ChiChi55 Alum Member
in General 177 karma

I'm wondering if I should upgrade to Ultimate+. Here's my dilemma:

I have PDF's of each question type (with questions from PT 1-35) and they're arranged by difficulty from a previous tutor which is super convenient. The only thing is that I find it extremely helpful to be able to go back and watch J.Y's videos after BR or if I'm having difficulty with a question. Also, I find it hard to organize/make my own 'problem sets'. I feel like I just have multiple running lists of problem types I should be doing with different difficulties but have trouble keeping track of them. I should also mention that I have every PT from 39+ available as well for when I start PTing.

Is it worth it to spend the extra money to upgrade to Ultimate+ given my circumstances?
If I were to upgrade to Ultimate+, how should I go about doing the problem sets? Do you do all of them after each lesson or save the harder ones for later/review?

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