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Help Don't know whether or not to take June Test!! Leaving for China in 2.5 months!!

JO_OderahJO_Oderah Core Member
in General 38 karma

Hello Everyone, please, can someone give me some advice. I have been studying on and off for the past nine months, and I am still having a great degree of difficulty with timing. My accuracy for each section is about 70% under real time, but I am only finish 3/4 logic games for every test I take, and 3/4 passages under real time for the RC section. As for the Logical Reasoning sections, I consistently finish somewhere from 17-19 questions. and end up getting 4/17, making me miss a whopping 11 questions per logical reasoning section. In the nine months that I have studied I typically just do drills, and as a result I have only taken like 3 diagnostic exams, because each time I see my score, become very depressed, so I just do drills and forget about taking a whole exam. Now, because I am struggling with reading and logic games especially, I am taking the rest of this month to do the RC and LG sections for preptest 40-49, and to study a few parts of the core curriculum. And then I will start doing full length practice exams again. My diagnostic score is a 148 without any guessing on questions. The whole time I've been studying for this exam, I have questioned whether I will ever reach my target score of the mid 160s. My mother is a nurse and worked 12 hour shifts 5-6 nights a week to put me through undergrad, and wanted to go to Law school, but she couldn't because she had me at an untimely point in her life! I want to go to a T20 so bad!!

In 2.5 months, I will be leaving for China to serve in the Peace Corps to teach english at a university in Southern, China. I am pretty positive that after my first 3 months of being there and settling in, I will have a few hours each day to study after classes and what not. People in my life are telling me to just take the exam in June, but I don't want to score too low. Also, there are test centers in China, but if I am correct, I would not be able to see what I missed after the scores come in.

I would be so eternally grateful for any advice anyone has for me regarding when to take the exam, or the RC section. I think that I can improve my LR and LG sections with more practice, but I am completely defeated when it comes to RC, just did a practice section now, and scored -11 out of 26...


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Don't take in June. If taking PTs and getting low scores is depressing you, having an official score that won't be close to your goal will be really upsetting. There's no reason to take when you know for a fact you aren't ready. It sounds to me like you're putting a ton of pressure on yourself. Try to take a step back and recognize that the LSAT is just a test. It's an important test for sure, but it's not the end all be all of your life, or even of your law school application. You can score higher. You might have to have a lot of patience, but I believe that anyone can score in the 160s with enough practice and dedication. You obviously have some of that if you're moving to China for the Peace Corps!

  • JO_OderahJO_Oderah Core Member
    38 karma

    Hey Miss. Chanandler! Thank you for your advice. It is much appreciated! I think you are right... I think I will reassess my plan for taking the June 3rd test, especially since there are test centers all throughout China... Thank you again!

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