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Thanks 7Sage!

paulmv.benthempaulmv.benthem Alum Member
in General 1032 karma

I had planned to make this post a month or so ago, but projects at work have kept me pretty busy.

As I end my LSAT/Admissions journey, I'd like to express my thanks to the people who make up 7Sage. I started on this forum after having meager results with what one YouTuber referred to as the "Holy Grail of LSAT prep." Immediately, I was welcomed into an encouraging community that was as informative as it was supportive. Of course, there's some people who have gone above and beyond in offering their support: @BinghamtonDave , @keets993 , @"Cant Get Right" , @LSATcantwin, and @Alex . I genuinely hope that I will be able to follow along as you each find your way through law school and beyond.

I'm thrilled to say that I recently accepted an offer to the University of British Columbia (UBC). Throughout my LSAT prep, getting into UBC was one of the main motivators for pushing my score, so it's reassuring to have that the time and effort pay off. It's a fantastic school, and I'm excited to be moving to Vancouver in September. (If any fellow 7Sagers out there are also beginning at UBC this September, DM me; I'd love to connect.)

Of course, there are similar posts to this one, and in each one the OP has offered some advice regarding what strategies were especially effective for him/her. Because I don't think I can add much to what people have recently offered, I'll just give one suggestion, steeped in hindsight bias. If there is one thing I wish I had implemented sooner in my prep, it is the skipping mindset advocated by @NotMyName in his 7Sage AMA ( Going into each PT shooting for 4-5 points below my average was key to helping me overcome my "perfectionist fixation" on certain questions. It's really true that there are LSAT questions on which a quick skip should be considered a victory. After spending a few weeks developing this habit, I found that skipping some questions was actually able to contribute to feelings of confidence and control rather than anxiety and failure. Like most deities, the LSAT gods reward sacrifice. ;) For anybody out there who's still in the midst of preparation, I cannot emphasize enough how valuable are the shifting wavelengths on that podcast.

Finally, I'd like to give a massive shout-out to the tutoring services of @BinghamtonDave . Anyone who's spent a significant amount of time immersed in the 7Sage CC will tell you that one begins to hear J.Y.'s voice while taking PTs. ("'A' What!?!?! What does that even mean?!'") While this remains true for myself and LR, Dave's voice began declaring squatters right in my brain when tackling LG. Dave's knowledge of the test is outstanding, and he's a fine human being. Without Dave, I strongly doubt I would have made the cut for UBC. I cannot recommend him strongly enough.

I'll continue to hang around the forum and offer advice assistance where I can. If you have any specific questions, you're welcome to DM me. :)


  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    edited March 2019 2124 karma

    Congrats!! Yes @BinghamtonDave is amazing!!! Many of us have been very lucky to have him on this journey.

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8722 karma

    Congrats Paul! And thank you for the kind words!

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Ayyy congrats Paul! UBC!! Hopefully you'll learn to love their sweatshirts. Best of luck to ya, my friend.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Congrats!! This is great news. I’m happy you found success!

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