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in General 65 karma

Is there any way I can upgrade to Ultimate+, pay the difference and get the extra time? This has been so amazing and I wasted my time before using Powerscore. I had no idea the course would be THIS effective for me compared to others in just a matter of a week (I've been studying for about a month and my score has already drastically improved on the games)


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @dominickhouri said:
    Is there any way I can upgrade to Ultimate+, pay the difference and get the extra time? This has been so amazing and I wasted my time before using Powerscore. I had no idea the course would be THIS effective for me compared to others in just a matter of a week (I've been studying for about a month and my score has already drastically improved on the games)

    Yes! You just go to “course” click the drop down menu and choose “upgrade course.”

    Haha your Powerscore story sounds like my own. Keep up and good work and good luck!

    65 karma

    Thanks so much! Is there anyway to get the extra time that the ultimate affords though? I've had this course for maybe 8 days or so

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @dominickhouri said:
    Thanks so much! Is there anyway to get the extra time that the ultimate affords though? I've had this course for maybe 8 days or so

    Yes, you will get the extra time it affords! Just contact @studentservice and they will make sure you get it.

    Good choice upgrading btw! Ultimate is ... well ... ULTimate!! 💯

  • wngdwaf_1wngdwaf_1 Alum Member
    89 karma

    If I'm fairly new to the test, and am aiming to write the Sept test with the whole summer to study, should I get the Premium, ultimate, or the ultimate+?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @wngdwaf_1 said:
    If I'm fairly new to the test, and am aiming to write the Sept test with the whole summer to study, should I get the Premium, ultimate, or the ultimate+?

    Hmm... I think ultimate plus is the best option for the price in all of LSAT prep. It will give you all you need
    to get the score you want. However, you can alway start with another course and then upgrade!

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