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Low LSAT Score

Southern_princeSouthern_prince Free Trial Member
edited January 2015 in General 22 karma
Hello guys,

As we all know, the December LSAT scores came out on yesterday. This was my first time taking the test and I was deeply disappointed by my score. I scored an 139. I was in complete shock because when I would take practice tests, I scored a 151. Upon reviewing my answer key and etc, I found that the answers I changed were actually correct. Second guessing and timing are my biggest downfalls. I think another issue that I suffered from was the fact that I was so fixated on numbers rather than accuracy. I wish I would have known about 7sage earlier on. I used the powerscore bibles to prepare and wanted to join a 7sage prep course. However, due to me being unemployed, I could not afford to pay for a class. My score got to me at first but I had to realize that nothing in life that we truly want comes easily. It takes hard work, determination, persistence, and good faith! With that being said, I will be retaking the exam in February and wanted to get you guys opinion on how I can increase my score and become more confident. My desired score is a 150 or above. I know that I can do it because law school is my destiny. Thank you 7sage community for your support!!


  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Concentrate on the areas where you are the weakest. Focus on question types that you struggle with the most, and keep drilling them. Cambridge lsat sells question packages for really cheap (below 10$) . Divide your time between drilling/doing actual PTs and blind reviewing. And if time permitted and you have a couple extra $$ you can accumulate, grab yourself a copy of the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim, its around 45-50$, but it is really comprehensive and will help you tremendously.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    So Im gunna start off by saying IMO you should sit out a cycle and take in June at least. If all you want to achieve what you really want is a 150 then thats all you

    you clearly have a lot of fundamental work to do, even a 150 shows an issue with fundamentals which means there is very little predictability with your PT scores(IMO) idk if you have been BRing (if not/dont know what it is check 7sage BR post) you should be in the 170's when you have ur fundamentals down. You have a lot of work but it can be achieved if you work hard at it. LS isnt going anywhere but is a huge step in life so make sure you give it your all
  • Alum Member
    463 karma
    I agree with jdawg113. It's the same advice I was given and that I've taken. Put it off a little longer, get more time to get good, Law School will always be there. Or as Billy Joel says "Vienna waits for you."

    After I got fired last May, I originally planned on starting law school in 2015. But when I realized I wasn't going to do well enough on the LSAT, I decided to put law school off for another year. I took the LSAT in September and I got a 145 when I was scoring about a 150 on PTs. It was a huge confidence killer but I made it through and realized what I had to do. I initially used the PowerScore Bibles but wish I would have found 7Sage sooner. I just registered for the basic course and I am planning on upgrading later. I am planning on retaking the LSAT in June or maybe October if I'm not ready or can't afford to take a Monday off. I'm back to work now and I work full-time. Prep time and time off can be hard to come by. I wish I was starting law school in 2015 but I am going to work my butt off to get to my goal score of 160+ (prefer 165+). It will make for a better future in the end. Baby steps that's all it takes.

    This is just my story and I hope it finds you well. I wish you the best of luck.

  • SapphireSapphire Alum Member
    289 karma
    @Matt1234567 where can you find those cambridge packages for really cheap? ive only been finding questions for like $75. Thanks.
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    I think he was referring to individual question types. Your number is closer to what I paid, but that was for a bundle which included all question types. Cambridge lets you pick which ones you want or lumps them all together at a discount bulk rate.
    IMO, get the bundle. It's worth the price.
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