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Anxiety: Advice appreciated

TiaK0419TiaK0419 Alum Member
in General 61 karma

I am currently going thru my finals and at the same time having Lsat a week away from now.

This situation prob have triggered something in me. Can’t really concentrate on both.

The prep score was improving right on track but once this whole final began, I seem to be lost a bit.

I got 167, 167, 169 on the last three preps before the final began but once it got started, yesterday I scored 162 with 15 RC wrong and today 165 with 6 RC wrong.
On the last 3preps i got 3 wrong on each RC. Messing up like this a week before the real test is making me feel not really relaxed... Actually it’s making me really worried now.

Good thing is that the final’d be over in 3days.

Would this be a temporary thing which can back to the right track once the final ends?
Wonder if anyone has a similar experience.
Advice or tips from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    Below gives you an idea of my experience. Outside of the top scorers, I think fluctuation is normal.

    PT60 (11/14) 165 (LR1: -4, LR2: -1, LG: -10, RC: -3)
    PT65 (11/20) 169 (LR1: -2, LR2: -2, LG: -4, RC: -7)
    PT70 (11/24) 161 (LR1: -3, LR2: -7, LG: -9, RC: -7)
    PT71 (11/26) 169 (LR1:-6, LR2: -0, LG: -4, RC: -5)
    PT82 (11/29) 164 (LR1: -7, LR2: -2, LG: -3, RC: -7)
    Exam 83 (12/02) 168 (LR1: -2, LR2: -2, LG: -8, RC: -3)

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