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Score Release Clarification

kstiffler09kstiffler09 Alum Member
in General 53 karma

Hi All, quick question about how schools receive scores. I took the June LSAT and am fairly confident I didn't get my goal score. I'm retaking in September. Am I correct that once I send schools my Sept. score, those schools will also see my June LSAT score? Thanks in advance.


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Yes when you apply you are sending a bundle of information through LSAC than includes transcripts, essays, resume, and your LSAT information. In other words, you are not sending them just a score. They will see any LSAT you sat for. If you didn’t score as high as you wanted, it’s okay because for admissions purposes schools only really care about the top score. You can write an LSAT addendum as part of your application if appropriate. Check out the Admissions lessons for info on writing those addenda.

  • kstiffler09kstiffler09 Alum Member
    53 karma

    Thank you! I appreciate the response.

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