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LSAT timing advice?

Cee.DeezyCee.Deezy Yearly Member
in General 27 karma

I sat the June test and did less than stellar (below median for schools that I was hoping would be my safeties). I immediately signed up for the September test, but am admittedly so worried that I'm already contemplating signing up for October 2019 as well because I'm hoping to get my apps in before Thanksgiving.

Long story short:
- I'm skeptical that one month would really make much of a difference, so would signing up for November instead of October make more sense? If so, is there that much of a difference between getting apps in before Christmas as opposed to Thanksgiving?
- Am I jumping the gun a bit too much by already thinking about signing up for Oct or Nov? I'm worried that testing centers will fill up if I wait too long.

I work with a bunch of attorneys and bless their hearts they're so kind and excited for me, but they also inadvertently make me very nervous (and I'm already naturally a worry wart!).

Thanks in advance for your input!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    What was your score and what is your goal score? It’s going to be hard to give good advice without more background info

  • Cee.DeezyCee.Deezy Yearly Member
    27 karma

    @MissChanandler I got a 151 in June -- my hope is to get to160-165 (of course more would be great), PT average is 155. Trying to stay positive but also realistic. Thanks in advance for the advice!

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