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dyingforpie123dyingforpie123 Free Trial Member
edited November 2020 in Logical Reasoning 147 karma



  • JuandaSheepJuandaSheep Alum Member
    edited August 2019 42 karma

    Hi there!

    The stimulus says the ingredients used were the same and both were produced through similar processes that involved:
    1. subjecting mixture to high heat;
    2. mixing in lead.

    I took the "technique" in C to refer to how the high heat was applied and/or how lead was mixed in. In other words, the details that made the process of producing the pigment different from that of producing the glass. If we go with this interpretation, the fact that very few people knew how to make Han purple tells us nothing about its relationship with white glass, which makes C irrelevant.

    But even if we use your interpretation and accept that the technique was referring to the similar production processes, we still only know that there are very few people who knew how to make the pigment. Sure, the process for making the glass is similar, but not the same, right? Wouldn't it require a little jump to assume that the small group of people who knew how to make the pigment overlapped with the however-large group of people who knew how to make white glass?

    I think C would be a stronger strengthener if it at least mentioned white glass. Sadly, it doesn't.

    Hope this helps!

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