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Residency Issue

Hi all,

I'm looking to quit to study the lsat full time. However, if I quit, I will probably leave the state that I am currently in. I have been living and working in my current state for over 2 years and would like to get in-state tuition for a school here that is my top choice. If I leave the state just before my application is submitted, will I lose the chance to get in-state tuition?

When/how do schools typically prove your residency?



  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    In your law school application, you will be asked to provide your permanent address and your current address. The current address has an end date whereas the permanent address is usually considered the place where you went to high school, where your parents live, where you hold your driver's license. Admissions offices use this information to track geographic information for their candidates and matriculants. States have different residency requirements (some established by state statutes) that determine in-state tuition eligibility. Your best bet may be to call the Office of Student Finance and ask what that school would require for in-state tuition. Good luck!

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