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When to write the lsat?

aadivineaadivine Member
in General 48 karma

I started studying long ago for the lsat but I still managed to not do well on my diagnostic :(
I decided to purchase this course it definitely helped but I am still very discouraged . My plan is to write. my lsat this November but in case I do write it in January is there a chance that schools in Canada wont longer look at the application for 2020 ? Any experience ? Recommendations ?



  • lsatgirl-1lsatgirl-1 Alum Member
    edited August 2019 256 karma

    I am also from Canada. The first time I wrote the LSAT was January 2018. I had also applied to all the schools in Ontario. I indicated on my application that I will be writing the exam in January, so they did wait for me. I remember that all the schools got back to me after seeing my results.

    I do want to add from my personal expereince, I regret writing the January LSAT because I did not do too well on it and didn't get in anywhere. I ended up wasting money on the applications. I should have gone for the earlier exam, atleast I could have written it one more time and maybe got in that cycle.
    However, I also read on one of the discussion boards from another student who waited to write the LSAT in January and got in their top choice school.
    Writing the LSAT in January is a little risky I believe, but it really depends on what range you are scoring in a month or two in advance.
    So see what works best for you :)

  • aadivineaadivine Member
    48 karma

    Thank you

  • PatriciaHighsmithPatriciaHighsmith Alum Member
    81 karma

    Take a look at which Canadian schools you are thinking of applying to, because each of them I've looked at have specific application deadlines and a last acceptable LSAT writing date. I think a lot of them say January is acceptable, but many start to offer spots by December so you could be reducing your likelihood of acceptance. Hopefully this helps, and all the best with your studying!

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