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Need advice, please!

gdlaw0818gdlaw0818 Member
in General 35 karma

My LSAT journey has been on and off since October last year. I finished my undergrad June of 2018 and started working as a paralegal at a law firm. Due to the long hours and commute, I haven't been able to give my 100% towards studying for the LSAT. Anyways, my diagnostic was 132 and I took the June LSAT ended up with a score of 148. My goal score is 160-165, would it be possible to make that improvement for the October LSAT or should I do the November LSAT instead? I will be working less in the next few months so that I can achieve my goal score. Just wanted some advice as to whether this is possible or not!
Thanks guys!


  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    I don’t want to tell you wants possible or not, but I can tell you that going from a 132-148 is likely waaay easier than going from a 148-160. That being said, I don’t think it’s a reasonable expectation to set for yourself. Even November seems like. Stretch. What are your Br scores right now? You want to be BRing around 5 points above your target score before you can realistically expect to hit that target score on timed PTs. I think, if you’re able to delay a cycle, that would make reaching a 160+ much more attainable. If you can’t delay you can also shoot for December!

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