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Is it bad to have a LSAT score drop?

edited September 2019 in General 142 karma

Hi all, I need some help on deciding whether to cancel or not. I’m not sure what people mean when they said they “guessed on 10” - if it’s that they tried and made educated guesses or blindly picked B for all of them like I did.

I currently have a 162 (March 2019),165 (June 2019) and no cancellations on file. I got wrecked by this LG like everyone else, but I think I did pretty solid on all the other sections. But here’s the problem: I’m not sure if I ACTUALLY did well or if it just felt like it...I’m not also sure how bad I did on the logic games (if it’s -10 or -15 or if I’m lucky and get -7).

Worst case scenario, I think I’ll get a 160 and best case scenario I might squeeze 168. It’s crazy to expect a 168, but hey, like 3/5 of the answers for the last game of the June 2019 LG section were B’s’s not entirely impossible right? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe I’m just traveling along the five stages of grief and am currently in denial that I just actually wrecked this exam. But the “what if” is just killing me. My goal is to get a 170 to have a fair chance at Cornell or UC Berkeley (I have a 3.81gpa).

Please help. I am in a-g-o-n-y.🥺

Cancel or Not to Cancel?
  1. If I were you, I would:35 votes


  • RealLaw612RealLaw612 Member
    1094 karma

    I’m in your boat with the exception that I freaked out and cancelled my June score. I think I realistically cancelled a 165 or higher - which is probably insane.
    I too am aiming for the 99th percentile so I don’t fault your high personal standards. However,165 is pretty damn good for most. One thought though: this test was significantly more difficult than the June exam.
    I freaked out on the flower game and made educated guesses on a few questions before moving on to kittens/puppies. I only answered 20 questions in the scored LG section and I’m not canceling. You know why?
    Because I remember feeling very good about those other sections and, if the curve is -12 or so, I think my chances of 170+ are pretty realistic. I know I always felt like I bombed a prep test right before seeing the “171” appear on-screen.

  • edited September 2019 142 karma

    @99thPercentileOrDieTryin Thanks for your comment! I’m glad to see that I’m not alone😭

    I wish with all my heart that we both did super well, but keeping in mind the worst case scenario, how bad do you think it would be to see a score decrease?

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @MichaelScottRegionalManager @99thPercentileOrDieTryin

    Do you guys remember how many questions the Flowers game had? Powescore podcast just mentioned it might have had the fewest questions. If that’s the case I’d feel a lot better about the LG section as a whole.

  • edited September 2019 142 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" I remember someone saying the last two games were 10-11 questions and the first two were 12-13. I’m guessing about 5 questions for the flower game. (hopefully)

    I am never buying flowers again.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @MichaelScottRegionalManager said:
    @"Pride Only Hurts" I remember someone saying the last two games were 10-11 questions and the first two were 12-13. I’m guessing about 5 questions for the flower game. (hopefully)

    I am never buying flowers again.

    Interesting. I think I killed Game 2 and 4. Might’ve done better than I thought. Fingers crossed I guess.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Would it be permissible to schedule a conference call on debriefing from this test without breaking any rules? Or is one already scheduled?

  • cooljon525-1-1cooljon525-1-1 Alum Member
    917 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" said:
    @MichaelScottRegionalManager @99thPercentileOrDieTryin

    Do you guys remember how many questions the Flowers game had? Powescore podcast just mentioned it might have had the fewest questions. If that’s the case I’d feel a lot better about the LG section as a whole.

    flowers game had 5 questions

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