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Please send helpppp (Logical Reasoning has been kicking my a**)

chamayaharrischamayaharris Alum Member
edited October 2019 in General 15 karma

Hello all,

I have been prepping for the January exam since this past summer. I have the PowerScore bibles and the Starter 7Sage curriculum. I spend a lot a time grappling with this material. But for some reason I am just not fully grasping the logical reasoning concept. For some reason, I end up with two answers (one being right and the other being wrong and I always fall for the wrong answer or the one that has absolutely nothing to do with the argument) Weaken, Strengthen, and Necessary Assumptions specifically are my extreme problem areas. I know that Logical Reasoning is a huge component of this test and also a catalyst to success with Logical Games. What are some strategies you all have used to help strengthen your logical reasoning understanding? My goal is to break into the mid or high 150's (those are the scores I need to apply to my top schools and applying next cycle is not an option for me). Please give me strategies to make this a reality.

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