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Hoping for Large Scholarships

Qualia88Qualia88 Alum Member

Does anyone know of a resource (or just have examples off the top of your head) that has info on good schools that are likely to offer large scholarships. I have a 3.69 GPA with a 168 on the LSAT in September (retaking in November and hoping to break 170) with fairly strong work experience, but given my careers goals I'm thinking I may be better off trying to get a really good scholarship at a very good but not elite school rather than hoping to sneak into the bottom part of the T-14 somewhere. My understanding for example is that WUSTL often offers full rides, but I'm having trouble finding good info if there are other schools in that general range that will frequently hand out big amounts of money. If so, would be great to try and apply to as many of them as possible. Thanks so much for any help you can provide!


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    If you want to maximize the likelihood of receiving merit awards, consider applying to schools where your stats are at or around their 75% for LSAT and GPA. They may offer significant financial incentives for you to commit to their programs. You can also see what schools have offered to candidates in the past by reviewing their 509 disclosures: You can look up every ABA approved law school and see the size of their awards over the last several years (bottom of page 2 of the PDF).

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