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How do I best utilize the PTs?

13KJackson13KJackson Core Member
edited November 2019 in General 86 karma

Hi everyone,

I have the LSAT ultimate+ package and just finished the core curriculum. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all the materials I have to work with. I know I should foolproof the LG bundle, but after that how do I best utilize all the practice tests I have? Which tests should I use for taking whole practice tests? And which number tests should I use to drill timed or untimed sections?

I'm planning on taking the LSAT in Summer 2020 (most likely in July) which gives me around 9 months of study time.

Thanks for your help!


  • umich101umich101 Alum Member
    364 karma

    What do you mean by LG bundle?

  • 13KJackson13KJackson Core Member
    86 karma

    Foolproof the Logic Games from PT 1-35

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    edited November 2019 3190 karma

    Long time. You can do a PT a week. If you already finished the CC, take one PT a week and BR it extensivley. During the other days, FP games, work on weaknesses, etc. Once your BR scores is above your target score, you can up the PTs to twice a week (if you want). Dont do 2 a week at the beginning though, youll run out of the recent ones, since your taking in 9 months. As far as how to go about them, I like the odds/even approach. Habeas Porpoise recommended it to me. I started at 50 and just did evens until about 80s. Im almost done and will go back to 51 and do odds. Once I get nearer to the test date ( a month or two before), Ill start using the really recent PTs once Im positive I have the fundamentals/timing/strategy down.

    Of course, the most recent PTs will be the most accurate indicator of what youll score on the LSAT.

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