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⚖ Official November 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖

edited January 2020 in November 2019 LSAT 276 karma

Hey 7Sagers,

Here's the official November 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread.

Please keep all discussions of the November 2019 LSAT here!

You can identify experimental sections. 🙆‍♀️
You can say things such as the following:

  • I had two LGs! Was the LG with "flowers" real or experimental?
  • I had two RCs! Was the section that starts with the honeybee passage real?
  • I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the first LR section with the goose question is real?”

You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅‍♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:

  • Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right? (Don't mention the game type)
  • The last question in the first LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
  • What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)


  • janat_506janat_506 Alum Member
    25 karma

    Good luck to all my fellow 7sagers!! Remember stay calm and read carefully. We can and WILL get through this. We are prepared and we will go in tomorrow and OWN that test!

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma

    Good luck to everyone taking the exam!

  • elias7291elias7291 Alum Member
    269 karma

    Good luck to everyone!

  • Harvey DentHarvey Dent Alum Member
    81 karma

    Good luck guys

  • kcsteenlandkcsteenland Member
    8 karma

    I had two reading comprehension sections, one with water treaties and one with jazz composition. Definitely did better on one of them than the other. Any idea which one was the real one?

  • pb3ncva15pb3ncva15 Alum Member
    48 karma

    @kcsteenland said:
    I had two reading comprehension sections, one with water treaties and one with jazz composition. Definitely did better on one of them than the other. Any idea which one was the real one?

    Water treaties was the real RC. I had two LGs. The first involved a game about visiting different countries, and the second involved a monarch’s birthday presents. Any idea which is real?

  • elizabethosei718elizabethosei718 Alum Member
    84 karma

    @pb3ncva15 countries was real

  • kcsteenlandkcsteenland Member
    8 karma

    @pb3ncva15 said:
    Water treaties was the real RC. I had two LGs. The first involved a game about visiting different countries, and the second involved a monarch’s birthday presents. Any idea which is real?

    The visiting different countries one was real, that was my first section. That game was a bit tricky, the rest weren't too bad.

  • SheenVaderSheenVader Core Member
    edited November 2019 67 karma

    My test today was cancelled (and apparently cancelled in many locations in North America due to equipment issues apparently so now the test on the 8th will be a paper pencil version). We now have to write on December 8. Will they be giving us a different exam than the one we would have received today?

  • Jay HawladerJay Hawlader Alum Member
    105 karma

    Mine was LG LR RC LG LR

    The second LG for me was tough and first was rlly Easy...hearing the second is the real one

  • Jay HawladerJay Hawlader Alum Member
    105 karma

    @pb3ncva15 said:

    Water treaties was the real RC. I had two LGs. The first involved a game about visiting different countries, and the second involved a monarch’s birthday presents. Any idea which is real?

    First game is the real one is what I’m hearing..aside from the recipe game, so u rmbr anything else about the other Games?

  • Jay HawladerJay Hawlader Alum Member
    105 karma

    @kcsteenland said:

    The visiting different countries one was real, that was my first section. That game was a bit tricky, the rest weren't too bad.

    Do u rmbr anything about the other games aside from the recipe game?

  • jams61444jams61444 Alum Member
    10 karma

    What section did you find the hardest?

  • jinnie871jinnie871 Free Trial Member
    189 karma

    I don't think the visiting countries was real. I had 2 LG's. I had one with soup.

  • ohmeohmyohmeohmy Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @Femme_Fatale786 said:
    My test today was cancelled (and apparently cancelled in many locations in North America due to equipment issues apparently so now the test on the 8th will be a paper pencil version). We now have to write on December 8. Will they be giving us a different exam than the one we would have received today?

    Were you in the Monterey location at the embassy suites? I’m on hold right now trying to figure out what’s going on

  • kylechinhowkylechinhow Alum Member
    edited November 2019 42 karma

    Hope everyone did well!
    Any thoughts on LR? Found quite difficult.
    Does anyone remember the first question of each of the real LR sections?
    Definitely bombed one of my three. Thanks.

  • Ripper MagooRipper Magoo Alum Member
    27 karma

    @jams61444 said:
    What section did you find the hardest?

    I had three LR's and one was quite difficult. It also didn't seem to flow as most LR sections do if that makes sense. LG was decent and RC was easy

  • Ripper MagooRipper Magoo Alum Member
    27 karma

    I had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC

  • kylechinhowkylechinhow Alum Member
    edited November 2019 42 karma

    @"Ripper Magoo" said:
    I had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC

    Same order for me. That first LR was a killer - and indeed “flow” felt weird

  • cedricyhkimcedricyhkim Alum Member
    29 karma

    @"Ripper Magoo" said:
    I had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC

    I had the same, LR first was 26, and then 26, and then 25, I believe. I thought the first was insanely hard. 2nd (26 Q) seemed easier, I believe that section had a question about rodents? maybe different types of fish? could someone confirm?

  • lastLSATslastLSATs Alum Member
    64 karma

    I think the rodent one is the real one (26) questions!

  • angeles.esteban15angeles.esteban15 Alum Member
    18 karma

    I also had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC. RC felt like the easiest of the three. For whatever reason the first game in the LG initially stumped me (can’t remember what it was about), the last game also felt really difficult.

  • kylechinhowkylechinhow Alum Member
    42 karma

    @"angeles.esteban15" said:
    I also had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC. RC felt like the easiest of the three. For whatever reason the first game in the LG initially stumped me (can’t remember what it was about), the last game also felt really difficult.

    Same - that rule about the “3rd place” screwed me up too

    Initially drew out two templates with variable in month 3 until I realized variable wasn’t fixed to slot and instead just 3rd variable

  • lsathurdellsathurdel Alum Member
    33 karma

    The SA question about university and night school ... felt like I overthought that so much - any ideas what the approach would have been with percentages in that case

  • cedricyhkimcedricyhkim Alum Member
    29 karma

    @"angeles.esteban15" said:
    I also had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC. RC felt like the easiest of the three. For whatever reason the first game in the LG initially stumped me (can’t remember what it was about), the last game also felt really difficult.

    Did you find the first LR really difficult? and do you remember the 2nd LR having a question about rodents? (if I remember correctly. I really hope the first LR is the experimental one

  • Ripper MagooRipper Magoo Alum Member
    27 karma

    @cedricyhkim said:

    I had the same, LR first was 26, and then 26, and then 25, I believe. I thought the first was insanely hard. 2nd (26 Q) seemed easier, I believe that section had a question about rodents? maybe different types of fish? could someone confirm?

    Rodents was second, the fish armor question was the third LR. First one was so tough, idk if its just me but I felt some of the questions were making some slightly ambiguous assumptions. Process of elimination played a big role for me in the first section but not so much in the rest.

  • ConquerLSATboiConquerLSATboi Alum Member
    81 karma

    @"Ripper Magoo" said:
    I had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC

    How many questions per LR?

  • ConquerLSATboiConquerLSATboi Alum Member
    81 karma

    @cedricyhkim said:

    Did you find the first LR really difficult? and do you remember the 2nd LR having a question about rodents? (if I remember correctly. I really hope the first LR is the experimental one

    How many LR questions did you have per section @cedricyhkim @"angeles.esteban15"

  • ConquerLSATboiConquerLSATboi Alum Member
    81 karma

    @Skylande said:
    I think the rodent one is the real one (26) questions!

    Can you share your section order and which LR section you had your rodent one in?

  • Jay HawladerJay Hawlader Alum Member
    105 karma

    @jinnie871 said:
    I don't think the visiting countries was real. I had 2 LG's. I had one with soup.

    Do u rmbr the other sections other than soup?

  • Darth KermitDarth Kermit Alum Member
    12 karma

    Was the LR with the company that had lower safety and cost paradox real?LR LG LR (LR) RC

  • Ripper MagooRipper Magoo Alum Member
    27 karma

    @ConquerLSATboi said:

    How many questions per LR?

    26,26,25 IF i remember correctly

  • jinnie871jinnie871 Free Trial Member
    189 karma

    I only had 2 LR. I remember a question about rodents, democracy and literacy, milk and antibiotics.

  • angeles.esteban15angeles.esteban15 Alum Member
    18 karma

    @ConquerLSATboi LR sections were 25, 26, 26 for me.

  • jinnie871jinnie871 Free Trial Member
    189 karma

    @"Jay Hawlader" said:

    Do u rmbr the other sections other than soup?

    No. I only remember soup question cuz I did a soup logic game (pt 40) as a warm-up before the test.

  • Ripper MagooRipper Magoo Alum Member
    27 karma

    @jinnie871 said:
    I only had 2 LR. I remember a question about rodents, democracy and literacy, milk and antibiotics.

    I specifically remember milk and antibiotics (3rd), and rodents (2nd)

  • ConquerLSATboiConquerLSATboi Alum Member
    81 karma

    @jinnie871 said:
    I only had 2 LR. I remember a question about rodents, democracy and literacy, milk and antibiotics.

    @jinnie871 do you remember a question about cheeseburgers?

  • firefistcaesfirefistcaes Alum Member
    77 karma

    Had 2 RC's, the first one had something about computer chips and unicef agreement for water, while the second was on antibiotics and linguistics being a science. Which was real??

    162 karma

    Any guesses on the curve for this one?

  • jinnie871jinnie871 Free Trial Member
    189 karma

    @ConquerLSATboi said:

    @jinnie871 do you remember a question about cheeseburgers?

    Now I do

  • LSATJediLSATJedi Alum Member
    87 karma

    @kylechinhow said:

    Same - that rule about the “3rd place” screwed me up too

    Initially drew out two templates with variable in month 3 until I realized variable wasn’t fixed to slot and instead just 3rd variable

    I did the exact same thing!

  • denis045denis045 Alum Member
    38 karma

    Real LG: soup and countries! why: I had three LR. I found the first to be LR to be SO HARD. I definitely bombed it so fingers crossed its experimental

  • maxbbarb7maxbbarb7 Alum Member
    182 karma

    I thought the experimental RC was much easier, so I am pretty disappointed to find out it was the experimental. Also, that last game was pretty tough, I couldn't figure it out completely in 11 minutes. LSAC continues to make the test more challenging in my opinion. Oh well, I am officially done with the LSAT for good. Good luck to everyone with your scores and applications! Lets hope the curve is somewhat decent.

  • carolinagirl009carolinagirl009 Free Trial Member
    16 karma

    Did anyone with only two LRs have a question about different med students, trying to diagnose patients, and being told a specific diagnosis from their first advisor, then trying to diagnose again with a second advisor. Or something along the lines of that. It was a really long stimulus, so I’m sure I’m messing up some of the details.

  • ConquerLSATboiConquerLSATboi Alum Member
    81 karma

    @denis045 said:
    Real LG: soup and countries! why: I had three LR. I found the first to be LR to be SO HARD. I definitely bombed it so fingers crossed its experimental

    @denis045 did your first LR have as a question apricots?

  • denis045denis045 Alum Member
    38 karma

    @ConquerLSATboi honestly it was all a blur. my second LR had an armoured (turtle?) question. My third one had one about med students and dosages I believe

  • ysp_2019ysp_2019 Member
    16 karma

    Anyone with 2 LRs have a question on comparing river clean ups?

  • Qualia88Qualia88 Alum Member
    175 karma

    @izabellanna123 said:
    Did anyone with only two LRs have a question about different med students, trying to diagnose patients, and being told a specific diagnosis from their first advisor, then trying to diagnose again with a second advisor. Or something along the lines of that. It was a really long stimulus, so I’m sure I’m messing up some of the details.


  • denis045denis045 Alum Member
    38 karma

    I think this was the experimental LR: a question about cyclists on slick roads? Ring a bell for any 2 section LR peeps? Praying this was not on the real test

  • pawsiclepawsicle Alum Member
    17 karma

    For those that had the following format: LG, LR, RC, RC, LR
    Was the first or the second RC the experimental?

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