Hey 7Sagers,
Here's the official November 2018 LSAT Discussion Thread.
Please keep all discussions of the November 2018 LSAT here!
✅ You can identify experimental sections.
You can say things such as the following:
- “I had two LGs! Was the LG with "flowers" real or experimental?”
- “I had two RCs! Was the section that starts with the honeybee passage real?”
- “I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the first LR section with the goose question is real?”
❌ You can't discuss specific questions.☠️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:
- “Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right?” (Don't mention the game type)
- “The last question in the first LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)?” (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
- “What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)?” (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
Have fun discussing!
Great. 4:30ET and I’m wide awake.
Whooooooo!!! This is it!!!! Goodluck, all ☺️
Goodluck everyone! Let’s go get what we’ve worked hard for. This is just another PT similar to the ones we’ve been doing for months!
Let’s do this!!!!
I had two RC sections: 1 with a uncivil obedience and the other section started off with Indus Valley civilization...which was is the graded one?
The Indus Valley one is the graded one. I had it, but I had three LR sections
@"malik.sanna" The Indus Valley one!
Indus Valley!
Indus Valley was graded
Was the LG with the mining over months the real one or was it the other one??
Mining was real
Yessssss! Thanks so much guys! I’m so happy it was the Indus Valley one. I found that so much easier to read and get through
you guys rock thanks for sharing
i overheard people in the bathroom talking about how hard the mining game was. i didn't think it was thatttttttttttt bad. but then again, i did skip it and save it for last. luckily i had 13-15 minutes left for it.
3 LRs, 1 LG, 1 RC. RC section about big bang was real. Calendar (?) game was real section as well.
I had one RC with Indus Valley
I had 2LG, 2LR, and 1 RC. I guess one of my LG is the experimental one then.
I had 2 games, 1 r and 2 lr... which is the real game? The one with mining?
Yup mining was real
Was this the only LG you had? If yes I think this would be the real LG
I had 3 LR sections - does anyone know which one the experimental was?
3 LR.
Was Evergreen trees one real?
I don't think Evergreen was real. I don't think I had a question about that.
@T-SERIES yes it was the real LG. how did you feel about it? i also had two LG's. my test was LG RC LR break LR LG. i knew the mining was real because they hardly ever put experimental in sections 4-5 (this is just what i've heard) also my first LG was way too easy to not be experimental.
Which one was the experimental LR? I had three, and one contained stimuli that were longer and harder. I figured that was the experimental section.
@"malik.sanna" ughh I knew it. The other one was way too easy. I thought the mining was hard!!!
@Nabintou i cannot remember a question about everygreen...
I had 3 LR sections. We’re the one talking about athletes and PED and the one talking about penguins and temperature real?
I think the one with athletes was real
Does anyone know if the LR section that started with bonobos was real?
athletes was real -- I only had 2 LR and that was one of them. yes on the bonobos, i had that one too. nothing on evergreens that I can remember... my brain is FRIED!!! but congrats everyone!
one of the LR sections had two questions (point at issue, necessary assumption) based on the same stimulus. if you did not have LR as your experimental section, can you confirm if this question was in one of your LR sections? thanks!
Do you remember any other questions from the bonobos section?
@nco3 I did not have this question and I had 2 LR sections.
Section 1: LR
Section 2: LG
Section 3: RC
Section 4: RC
Section 5: LR
Hi @Ellewoods227! argh... I'm trying to recall but it was my 1st LR and I know bonobos was Q1. not sure if that helps. i'm going to try and jog my memory in the meantime!
Unfortunately, I can’t remember anything specific this second but I do remember the end of the section I thought was experimental (with bonobos I think) having quite a few really long parallel questions towards the end.
I found this one a bit difficult! Especially the mining one. But I managed to answer most of the questions and guessed one or two.
I didn't have penguins and temp.
Hey all, this may not be the right place to post this but our test center closed because of terrible air quality in SF. Does anyone know/have any predictions what test they may use for our rescheduled test and when it may be?
Ugh I was really hoping that one was experimental...
My sections were: LG RC LR LR LG
RC- 27 questions - Indus Valley Civilizations
LR -both sections had 25 questions- real sections started with: bonobos who swallowed rough leaves; and the effect of the Gulf Stream creating mild winters in England.
I had one about penguins!
I had three LR sections if anyone can help me, I had a section that talked about monkies, another one with penguins, and another about the Amazon river riv the Pacific ocean
Did the real LR section had a question about building a station that does not have a tunnel or something like that?
Your experimental would be one of the RCs
My rcs talked about classic cinema, the big bang, and about the industry valley, so ur real RC would match those
Hope this helps!
yes -- it was about building a majestic station but needed a tunnel that would make it go over budget.
It's hard to figure out which of my LR's was real cause all the questions are just jumbled up in my brain. RC and LG is so much easier to differentiate.
I had exactly the same, the first RC was experimental, the water resource one