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Last Minute Application Questions: SOS!


I will be submitting applications at the end of this week and my neuroticism is kicking in. If anyone is able to answer the below questions, it would be much appreciated. :)

  1. My GPA is a 2.92 and I cannot decide whether or not to attach an addendum. During my time at college, my father struggled with addiction to prescription opioids. He was out of work and my family experienced economic hardship as a result (parents filed for bankruptcy multiple times, my house went into foreclosure). There were also many times that I had to drive home from school to pick up my brother or work to help my mother with bills. My father was there but really wasn't "there". Thankfully, his situation has improved and he has been in recovery for the last year and a half. Do you think that is addendum worthy? Please note that I will also be submitting a character and fitness addendum related to several charges that I received in college.

  2. This one is kind of stupid but it has been driving me crazy. For schools that I submit multiple addenda to, should I title the header as "Addendum 1" for both or rather, "GPA Addendum 1" and "C&F Addendum 1".

  3. I've notice that a lot of the schools I'm applying to ask for information about "All educational institutions attended" and provide an option for including high school information. Should I include my high school information at all? Also, if my undergraduate university does not rank its students, should I attach something to my application noting this? Almost all of the applications that I've filled out have asked for class rank in the section where I list the university I attended. Is it a big deal if I do not include my rank? I do not believe its required.

  4. Some of the schools that I'm applying to provide a text box in the application form that asks me to explain circumstances that may have effected my college performance or ask that I attach an addendum. Would it look sloppy for me to leave that box blank or should I write something down the lines of "Please see attached character and fitness addendum."

My apologies for long post, things have been tight and unfortunately I can't squeeze the extra $250.00 for an hour of admissions counseling at this time. Going to law school means everything to me and I want to make sure I've covered every angle/nuance before applying (originally I was going to apply on December 19th, right after scoring a 166 on the November LSAT... thanks for that 7Sage!!) but I felt my applications were sloppy and have taken the last several weeks to clean them up.

Thank you for any insight and/or help in advance!


  • SkrikSkrikSkrikSkrik Alum Member
    34 karma
    1. I think your situation worth mentioning.
    2. If I were you, I would give the addendum different titles.
    3. I think you have to mention your high school. I graduated from an international high school and I'm 100% sure no law school has ever heard of that high school. Despite, I cannot submit my application without adding my high school.
      I don't think it's a big deal not mentioning the ranking, as long as your university's grading scale is similar to most universities. (e.g. If GPA 2.92 ranks top 5% of your department, you should definitely point that out)
    4. I would write "Please see attached C&F ...". Since the admission tries to read everything, there is no need to write a summary/abbreviated version of the C&F in the text box. One sentence would not take the admission much time and shows your consideration.
      Hope that helps!
  • DKSchrute1995DKSchrute1995 Member
    61 karma

    SkrikSkrik, you are a saint! This was extremely helpful.

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