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Writing Sample

Vicky180Vicky180 Alum Member

Hi everyone! Does anyone know if you can submit the writing sample after an application deadline has passed? Or does it have to be submitted with or prior to? Thanks!


  • taschasptaschasp Alum Member Sage
    796 karma

    I believe different schools have different policies, but I distinctly recall some schools requiring the writing sample as part of the application--meaning that it has to be submitted along with everything else prior to the "deadline." But the deadline for your application is also different from the deadline for your LSAT report, as many schools allow you to take the LSAT or submit your LSAT score after the official deadline for applications has passed. So I think in such cases you'd want to make sure your writing sample is not only completed but reviewed by LSAC by the score release date, meaning you'd want to complete your writing sample about a week before that score release date. But there is no uniform policy, it depends on the school.

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