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Loophole Drill Study Partner

oneclimboneclimb Alum Member
edited March 2020 in Logical Reasoning 268 karma

I'm currently looking for one or max two study partners who I can drill ALOUD with on Ellen Cassidy's Basic Translation and What If? test methods.

Some soft prerequisites:

Has thoroughly read through Ellen Cassidy's "The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning" and is committed to adopting and practicing her ways
Someone who wants extra practice in assumption spotting in LR OUT LOUD
BR in the170s
Preferably Pacific time zone
Flexible scheduling (meet via Discord 2-3x/week for 1-1.5 hours)

Look forward to connecting with you! Please message me if you are interested!


  • oneclimboneclimb Alum Member
    268 karma

    Bumping this back up!

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    I have the Loophole book but I dont wanna make any drastic changes to my strategy before test day. After March depending on my score I might pick it up!

  • Prayfor_mePrayfor_me Alum Member
    125 karma

    I'm up for it!

  • 414 karma

    I’m down for this!

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    I'm also super interested!

  • zdanlaw1991zdanlaw1991 Member
    80 karma

    This would seem incredibly helpful for calling out assumptions, as well as paraphrasing challenging stimulus. I'm in!

  • lsatlyfe-1lsatlyfe-1 Core Member
    edited March 2020 31 karma

    I am very interested as well! Read through the loophole book and now getting -5 to -1 on LR!

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