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Study schedule with supplemental materials?

maddiejanemdmaddiejanemd Member
in General 25 karma

Hi guys! This is my first post here and my first LSAT course.
My original diagnostic was a 158. I took the October 2019 LSAT and scored a 164, though my PTs were averaging in the 167s towards the end. I have decided to retake the LSAT in August 2020 in the hopes of breaking into the 170s; due to some family issues I have only now gotten back into studying for the LSAT. Is it a stretch to think I can get into the mid 170s in only 5 months? Right now, I can devote a majority of my days to studying, but I will start working within the next two months. What is a realistic schedule I can set for myself? Obviously I plan on primarily using the 7sage course, but I also bought the LSAT Trainer, Logic Games Bible from Powerscore, and LR/RC from Manhattan Prep. I'm not really sure how to incorporate these into my studying. Any help or advice is appreciated!! Thanks!


  • 1058 karma

    Welcome to the 7Sage family! And congratulations on your great scores.

    I don’t think there is any better resource for LG than JY’s videos. Everyone is different for sure but my experience with the PowerScore Bibles is that they weren’t helpful. JY has the most efficient strategies.

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