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Hi all,
I recently finished my undergraduate career with a 3.75 GPA from a T30 institution and have been studying the LSAT with consistent scores between 162-5. At my undergraduate institution I was a record holder and captain of an NCAA athletic team, on the student union, and had a leadership role on my campus's environmental relations board. In addition to my extracurriculars I interned for a Native American tribe's legal counsel specifically working on advocacy of policy.In addition to my internship work I studied in The Hague and studied international law with my university teamed with Leiden. I am currently planning on taking a gap year. My question is with my current statistics does anyone have any suggestions of law schools with good international and Indian law departments or with a mission statement which would understand my niche in legal experiences?
Thanks all!
Georgetown University,NYU, Columbia. They all have great programs.
besides the main big names are there any sleeper schools I should be concerned about?
ASU has best Indian law program hands down in America plus AZ has largest Navajo rez in USA.... FYI ... if Indian law is your niche that should be on your shortlist
Also Hawaii has top native Hawaiians program who are also considered native Americans
I second Arizona State.