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How to retain CC information?

Hannah14Hannah14 Free Trial Member
in General 35 karma

Hey everyone,

For some odd reason now matter how much I go through CC by the time I start LG, I forget LR. Do you have any methods I can implement in order to retain the information from CC? Should I review it every night?

Secondly, for those that have gone back and restudied CC again, is there any specific approach you used? How do you study? Do you go through LG first then LR then RC or do you study all three at the same time? This is really confusing me.



  • edited March 2020 1058 karma

    I had this problem too. When I started to focus on LG, I started to forget the strategies in LR. Something that has helped me a lot is to take time to warm up before starting whatever studies or sections I had planned to work on. Try going through 1 LG, 1 RC, and half of a LR section (pick odd or even problems so you get practice with all kinds of difficulty) untimed that you have already worked on so you don't use up new material. Learning to get better at the LSAT has a lot to do with practicing the correct strategy over and over. I think this will help you retain what you've learned. If you don't have a lot of time to dedicate to studying I have heard that writing the strategies on a flashcard and reviewing daily also helps to retain the information.

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