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Questions about test centers and new digital format

WhatslsatWhatslsat Member
in General 476 karma

I wont be taking the LSAT anytime soon, I'm just curious.
What's the atmosphere like in the testing center? Is it like a classroom? cubicles? Do different test centers have different max capacity for number of people to take the test? How long is it before we actually start circling the bubbles in (from the time we walk in and sit down)? Do we have enough space between the takers? (I find it harder to focus if I sit close to someone who breathes loudly or shakes their legs) The more specific you could be in sharing your experience the better, I'm interested in the smallest details, Thanks!

Secondly, how similar is the 7SAGE digital format to the actual test? (I love the sound effect e.g. coffee shop noises, it's unfortunate we are not allowed headphones :p) Are we able to change font size and the background colors, etc? I use mini ipad to do problem sets on 7SAGE, how does this compare to the tablet in terms of size, ability to write on, and flagging questions to skip, etc?

I live in Fairfax, VA. About 20 minutes from DC. For people who's taken LSAT in the DMV area, which ones are your favorite and which ones should I avoid?

Thank you all!

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