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LSATbekeeLSATbekee Alum Member
in General 137 karma

Hello all. I currently have a high score of 140 (which is my third time: 123,136) and i'm shooting for a 150.
what's the possibility of getting a 150- my goal so far. Thank you.


  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    very possible. What are your section breakdowns?

  • LSATbekeeLSATbekee Alum Member
    137 karma

    Hi Alex, not sure what you mean. But I’m not sure probably just with my planned out schedule

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1011 karma

    If you went from 123 to 140, it is possible for you to push that even further. You can do this. Try to see where you are not scoring well and hone in.

  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    I think it is very much possible. How are your scores in the separate sections? Do you miss the same number of questions in each section? Or do you notice that you have distinct strengths and weaknesses?

  • LSATbekeeLSATbekee Alum Member
    137 karma

    thank you all for replying. I am great in the LG section but my problem is time. LR is okay and RC- need more work.

  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    Okay, that does help. I think that getting a 150 is very much attainable. Keep practicing with LG so that the games come more naturally under timed conditions, that alone will score you several more points. Some general work with the fundamentals of LR and RC will shore up any other areas that need work. When are you planning to take the LSAT again?

  • LSATbekeeLSATbekee Alum Member
    137 karma

    I’m planning to take retake in July. With the whole locked down happening, I’ll be able to study more before going back to work full time .

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