my plan is take one prep test on Monday and another one on Thursday, while the test is on Sunday (I'm taking it in Asia).
What should I do in the last two days, Friday and Saturday? Drill a bit to stay alert but not too much?
What do you guys think?
I took the Dec. 2012 lsat (but cancelled my score). The way I prepped was PT on Tuesday, PT on Thursday, and real LSAT on Saturday. I only did a couple practice sections on Friday (I think for the June test I won't do any lsat stuff the day before - it just made me more anxious). Still, I felt pretty fresh and focused for the lsat so I'm inclined to repeat a schedule similar to this for next month's June lsat on Monday the 10th (US).
My tentative plan is to take a PT on Monday June 3, PT on Friday June 7, and the actual lsat on Monday June 10. My primary concern is preventing burning out because it really affects my focus and accuracy with the lsat. In between those PT days I will do a few practice sections and/or problem sets, sudoku, reading, and exercise.