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Strengthening or PSA Question?

jrose.smithjrose.smith Free Trial Member
edited April 2020 in Logical Reasoning 47 karma

Hey guys!
Is it wrong go through any type of strengthening question as a SA/PSA? (Finding the premise, identifying the conclusion, and choosing the answer choice that adds to the premise) If this is wrong, how do you determine just a strengthening question from that of a SA/PSA? Does the word "principle" in the stimulus have anything to do with it?


  • Willa.HaoWilla.Hao Yearly Member
    54 karma

    hi Jrose, i agree with you to some degree, but Strengthen Q is about give more strength to the argument, i.e. supporting the validity of argument is enough, it is not necessary to ensure the validity of argument.

    For SA Q, we need to ensure the validity of argument.

    For PSA Q, we need to ensure the validity of argument to a lower degree than SA, but to a higher degree than Strengthen Q.

    hope this can help.

  • Daniel KDaniel K Core Member
    47 karma

    In the CC there is a lesson about Strengthen vs. PSA vs. SA. (https://7sage.com/lesson/strengthen-psa-sa-questions)

    Echoing what @Fighterhao said, strengthen questions just make the argument better, but it doesn't have to make the argument valid.

    PSA questions make the argument ALMOST valid, or valid. It doesn't have to be 100% but that should be your goal. I look at PSA questions in the exact way I look at SA questions, except I know that the right answer might not make the argument 100% valid.

    SA questions make the argument valid, 100% no questions asked.

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